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In Sept of 2013, I rescued a dog name Tilly who came down with distemper. She was tested it was positive for Canine Distemper. Tilly's case was extremely bad. Various treatments were given including allopathic, homeopathic, herbs, super foods, massage, and surgery were all tried over a 2 month period. None of these treatments seem to stop the progression of the disease. She was still going down to the point she became paralyzed with her head tilted and would bite at me, a true sign of distemper in its final stage. During the two month period Tilly had four veterinarians working very hard to save her. She could not drink on her own nor did she want anything to drink so I had to force liquids down with a syringe. Tilly was at the point where the quality of life was so bad I was going to have her put down. 

Lucky for Tilly, I had gone to Bastyr University, a naturopathic school where I studied Homeopathy. I have 108 hours in this subject from this school. I decided to really look into her symptoms and try to determine a homeopathic remedy for her. I chose Baryta Carb one dose 200 C potency. It was amazing within a short period she began to stand up and went over to the water bowl and began drinking. Each day she improved; on day 15 she was moving around fast, drinking, eating, etc. like a normal dog. I have never seen anything like this to act so rapidly. Clearly this homeopathic medicine worked for her. Just one dose and it was like it worked on her body so fast. After a month her skin became dry and flaky, I choose not to give anything for this which turned out to be fine this went away a few weeks later; it may have been her body detoxing through the skin. Within 6 weeks Tilly was cured. She runs around today like she was never sick. 

I have included some different symptoms I used to determine the medicine I decided on. Agglutination of the nostrils, Tilly was small for her breed, she was cold and would cover herself, shaking, shy, dilatation of pupils, scabs around nose, breathing was difficult, chest congested, and paralyzed. One clear thing was that her nose always had agglutination of the nostrils. There are only 5 remedies for this listed in Kent Repertory of homeopathic materia medica. When the paralysis starts another remedy is Helleborus to consider. 

What I learned through this journey is to do Homeopathy first and foremost. The potency that I always seem to have the best results from is 200 C for both people and animals. Never discard any symptom no matter how small. I can think of two cases where dogs were cured by one clear symptom. One being the dog was suffering from grief - found the dog sitting beside a dead dog who apparently was its friend. I had treated the dog for being shy and for grief with a homeopathic medicine that did not work. When I included the shyness, grief and added her texture and color of her stool this is when the cure came. The remedy given was Ferr Phos and later followed up with Puls. The other dog was incontinent; tests and x-rays showed nothing physically wrong with this dog. How I determined her remedy was by the physical structure of her body. She laid down with one of her back legs pointed upward which is her lower knee foot part of the leg. There were two remedies that listed laying down this way with incontinent problem. Clearly taking every single aspect of the body to determine the homeopathic remedy to be administered is key to finding the right remedy. 

One thing I see in Homeopathy, is when a doctor prescribes a remedy over and over again and it does not bring about any lasting change in the first place – the doctor will say, keep giving it. Well this is exactly how you prove a medicine and not how you cure the patient. 

I have been studying Homeopathy and have been using remedies for over 30 years. For me it is the best medicine on the planet. It can bring about cures like no other healing methods. 

Tilly is an example of a dog that was cured from distemper. I know there are various modalities to treating distemper and that Homeopathy needs to be taken seriously to consider.

Neck twisted and barely able to walk from distemper. Tilly was taken to Houston, TX where a special distemper surgery was performed. It did not work and her head formed knots with scabs on them. Tilly had weight lost and you can see where she had agglutination on her nostrils (crust covered her nostrils).


Pepper, a Shih Tzu dog, was rescued on June 22, 2001 from the City of Dallas animal shelter. He was matted with clumps of hair and infested with ticks and fleas. Pepper was filthy dirty and even worse he had dead skin with oozing pus all down his back. The dead skin was hard and black. Two veterinarians confirmed that the skin on Pepper had been burned. Pepper was either set on fire or had acid poured on him.

On July 4, 2001, Pepper's health turned for the worse. He collapsed and was taken to the vet.

Billy and I have always had hearts for the underdogs. Every animal on our planet has a right to have his needs met, to lead a happy, healthy life of freedom and self-expression. The little dog's pain and his needs touched our hearts. Through his misery and our compassion, we had chosen each other. Had we been of gambling mentality, we surely would have called this"a long shot." And so, we began the long, hard haul of rehabilitation, absolutely and foolishly against the odds.

We learned Pepper had granulomatous meningoencephalitiis, a fatal disease. He was prescribed Prednisone, a steroid, but his condition kept getting worse. When we picked Pepper up from the vet he could not walk, bark or control his bodily movements. The dog was suffering from shaking non-stop.

I had just listened to a compact disc about Ron Diamond who had undergone a water fast and then went on raw food. He had cancer and was able to cure himself by fasting and a vegan raw diet. Since Pepper was not eating or drinking, my husband and I decided to clean out his system and give him water for eleven days.

We gave Pepper water through a syringe daily and he began to get more energy. He gradually got to where he could drink on his own. After eleven days he began to have an appetite. I put him on a 100 percent raw food diet, all organic. We gave him a lot of vegetables and raw hamburger meat, along with a vegetarian nutrition supplement powder called Missing Link. He was given a single dose of homeopathic remedy. This combination helped Pepper regain his strength.

On July 16, 2001, Pepper began to drag himself with his front legs; the back legs were still immobile. The veterinarian recommended the use of wheels for Pepper to help him move around. Pepper was rubbing sores between his legs when he would urinate due to his partial mobility.

We were not giving up.

While at the Whole Foods market buying food for Pepper I decided to get a quick seat massage. I asked Scott Harness, the massage therapist, if he know anyone that gave dog massages. It turned out that Scott was certified and had been studying dog massage and acupressure for years. His business is called Chi Dog. I started to take Pepper to massage therapy.

Pepper began walking on all four legs several weeks later. He is now running and barking and is full of life.

The treatments we chose for Pepper worked. Fasting, organic raw food, supplements for animals, homeopathy and massage-acupressure therapy helped Pepper recover from a once fatal disease. We believe Pepper is cured of his disease and has not been sick in over five years now.

Pepper is doing great and has officially become a new member of our canine family. He got his own Harley Davidson collar with a bone ID tag. His life has made a turn for the best. Pepper's hair has grown back from the burns and is shinny and full. His veterinarian is amazed by Pepper's recovery from a once fatal diagnosis.

We have all been blessed by Pepper. And now, we want Pepper's story and video to bless you too. There is not gamble involved in getting well and staying well. Disease is not some cruel, roulette game humans and animals, alike, are forced to play. We do not have to rely on chance to beat the disease odds. We only need "the truth about how to get well and stay well." The healthy healing path set before us and which we were blessed enough to choose is available to all of us because it is based on "the natural, physiological laws of life."

Pepper is truly a miracle dog.

A picture is worth a thousand words. A moving picture (video) is worth a hundred thousand words. Bill, Pepper and I hope you will see Pepper's video. We hope you will share our web site with your friends and loved ones. We hope your animals will be blessed by your adventures into healthy healing.


Bitsy was living off the streets and had to be trapped she was scared of everyone. She had been spotted by an animal rescuer but by the time a trap could be set she disappeared. Several months had passed by and then she appeared same spot. She was then trapped and fixed up hoping for adoption. Quickly her odds turned against her. She was a black dog which are hard to adopt. To make matters worst she was incontinent to the point she would pee day and night with puddles of urine everywhere.

Bisty was put on an allopathic medicine for incontinent problem for dogs. After several medicines failed her hope was out for her to continue down that path of healing. She was given allopathic medicine first because she was going to go up for adoption. If she would be on a common medicine that the adopter would be able to keep her on then she might have a chance for being adopted. This is the reason she was on the allopathic route first.

Bisty was only a little over a year old. X rays showed she had been shot and a bullet was still in her but the tissue had grown around it so it did not bother her. This would not caused the incontinent problem. Two veterinarians performed an extensive exploratory surgery around her bladder area to see what the cause of her incontinent problem was. The result was visually nothing wrong. Her inside bladder area was normal. Another veterinarian checked her reflexes and bone structure to see if this might be a problem that could cause some type of pressure to the bladder area. Everything checked out normal. She did limp quite a bit holding her back leg up when she walked. When she laid down her one foot would go up. This was odd.

Two symptoms of incontinent and one foot pointing up when she laid down.

After extensive research one homeopathic medicine fit the symptoms. She was given the medicine and the non stop peeing stopped. For six months she was completely well. Then the two symptoms returned. The same homeopathic medicine was given once again, only one dose and the symptoms disappeared. Two years passed without any signs of incontinent issues. Then the symptoms came back. One dose of the same homeopathic medicine and immediately she was well again.

Bitsy was very fortunate to have found homeopathy to save her life. With the non stop peeing she was very uncomfortable and doggie diapers did not work for her either. No way could anyone constantly clean up after her it was puddles and puddles of urine night and day.

Today she is in a loving home where her mom Tawana Couch makes sure she stays on homeopathy. She is now able to sleep in bed with mom.


Ali kept licking her left paw non stop for days. It was dark and wet all the time. Two x-rays to see if there was any broken bone turned up nothing. With no sign of anything broken it was a clear case for a homeopathic medicine.

Ali went to a Dr. Pam Montgomery who is a homeopathic veterinarian. She spent two hours with Ali taking her history and putting together a case. She asked a lot of questions about her personality. This is key in determining what homeopathic remedy to select.

Once the remedy was given Ali stopped licking her left paw and has not licked it for well over a year now. Cured case.


Precious was rescued in August of 2010 from the City of Dallas Animal Shelter. Her eyes were bulging, she was biting, she acted though she was in pain from an injury.

After multiple x-rays and exams from several veterinarians there were no signs of injury. Precious was evaluated by an animal behaviorist and it was determined that she most likely was a dog that was born with an attitude that was not very nice. There is a misconception that dogs that are mean were abused. This is not always the case some dogs are born bad just like people.

Precious became more aggressive toward everyone around her. She then began to show signs of meningitis. She would walk in circles, circling to the left side. She would try to bite anyone that even touched her. Her eyes were still bulging and especially the left eye was crossed over toward the left showing half the eyeball and the other half the whites of her eye area.

I was out of town when she became worst and her foster mom took her to an allopathic veterinarian clinic. They put Precious on steroids for her symptoms. When I arrived back in Dallas and visited Precious she was in bad shape. I knew the steroids were not the way I wanted to go for her. They would only make her more aggressive over time. I slowly weaned her off the steroids.

I have 108 hours of background in homeopathy from a naturopathic school. I studied Precious case and determined the best possible homeopathic medicine for her condition and the symptoms she had. I then took her to a homeopathic veterinarian who also took her case and we both determined the same medicine that would bring about a cure for her.

Precious responded slowly at first. More than likely from her just getting off the steroids. Then it happened she got well immediately. A happy personality came around. She began to act and play like a normal dog. It was truly an amazing transformation.

Precious had multiple symptoms that were taken into consideration before giving her the correct homeopathic remedy. Her symptoms included looking at both the physical and mental traits that she had. It was interesting that the medical book used to look at her case had her exact symptoms to match the exact medicine. It listed the medicine for meningitis, circling to the left side, bulging eyes and the left eye turn out to the side, bites, and mean spirited.

Today five months later she is a normal dog. She still is feisty and has somewhat of an attitude but it is not nearly as bad as it was. She no longer has the bulging eyes and you can see from the photos her left eye is now normal and you can see the blacks of her eyes pointing straight. This is just amazing that a medicine can even change the eyes like that.

I decided to adopt Precious into my family of pets. She is a special dog and she is here to stay.


My dog Tiger suddenly overnight had paralysis. He also had runny stools, and growling at everything bad mood. This dog could not stand up he is an older dog. I gave him one dose of a homeopathic medicine that fit all 3 symptoms. Within 12 hours he was up and moving on his own. He was back wagging his tail and no runny stools. I use Kent's Homeopathic Repertory and Boericke Homeopathic Materia Medica to figure out the correct medicine to give.

I had the flu, bladder infection, and yeast infection all at the same time. One medicine, one dose, all gone within in 48 hours. I went to my doctor for this. It is always a wise idea to get a doctor to see you than to treat yourself.

I studied homeopathy at a Naturopathic College for acute homeopathy. I have 108 hours of background in the subject. I do not treat other people or their pets.

I do not recommend combination homeopathic medicines. Classical homeopathy where one single dose of one medicine works best.

Encourage your doctor, or veterinarian to learn and prescribe homeopathy.

Encourage colleges to teach homeopathy in medical schools.

Don't you deserve the best of both worlds? A doctor that is trained in homeopathy is by far the best.

It is going to take a long road for schools, doctors, and people to understand homeopathy and to use it correctly. Hopefully after you read this info. it will encourage you to try homeopathy.


On Saturday, June 25th, someone abandoned a small, sweet, flame point Siamese mix in the night drop at Dallas Animal Services. She was friendly, but also understandably nervous. She was also paralyzed from the waist down. The caregivers at the shelter did their best to make her comfortable, but because of her injuries, she was scheduled to be euthanized after the requisite 72-hours if no owner came forward.

Molly DeVoss, a long-time Dallas Animal Services volunteer, first saw the kitty on Sunday – the day after she was abandoned. Molly’s seen a lot of cats come and go through the shelter, which handles nearly 9,000 stray and unwanted cats each year, but something about this particular cat caught Molly’s eye. “She was panicked” Molly said. “She’d turned her water over and couldn’t get off the wet paper lining her cage. When I opened her cage to change it out for her, she dragged herself over, threw her front paws around my neck, and mewled in my chest. I let her cling to me while I replaced her wet newspapers.” When she was done, Molly reluctantly placed the kitty back in her kennel and turned away, knowing the kitty would soon be put down.

Ali went to a Dr. Pam Montgomery who is a homeopathic veterinarian. No matter how hard she tried, though, Molly was unable to stop thinking about the desperate kitty with the penetrating blue eyes. She called Tawana Couch, a friend and local rescuer, to find out what the kitty’s chances of recovery were. The next day they met at the shelter hoping there was some way to save her. But right away they noticed blood spots on the newspapers lining her kennel. The vet suspected a urinary tract infection, which is not uncommon in paralyzed cats. A quick exam was conducted, which seemed to confirm there was indeed urinary tract blockage. The best thing to do would probably be to go ahead and put her to sleep, rather than let her suffer. Unless, of course, Molly wanted to take her home.

Molly didn’t hesitate. She had no experience with paralyzed pets, and no idea what she was getting herself into, but that didn’t stop her from loading the cat up and heading for Tawana’s vet. Before they could even get there, though, the cat peed all over her carrier. That might sound like a bad thing to some, but it was good news to Molly. It meant her new “Rescue Kitty” was mostly likely suffering from stress, and not a painful urinary tract blockage after all.

When they arrived at City Vet in Uptown, Dr. Effie Giannopoulos examined Rescue Kitty and immediately fell in love. Dr. Giannopoulos x-rayed her and confirmed nothing was broken, and there was no thrombosis – an obstruction of blood flow that would have meant the paralysis was likely permanent. So Molly took Rescue Kitty home.

According to Molly, it wasn’t long before reality began to set in. Rescue Kitty couldn’t use a litter box. She could barely drag herself around, so she used the floor under Molly’s desk instead. Molly bought newborn diapers and cut a tail hole in them. But that still meant dealing with the messes at least six times a day. “My life had turned into full time caregiver to a special needs infant”, Molly recalls.

For Molly and Rescue Kitty, the next few weeks were a tumultuous series of up’s and down’s. It was a celebration when Rescue Kitty showed she had an appetite. It was a celebration when she awoke some days and didn’t curl up in the corner in pain. But the vets were telling Molly not to be surprised if Rescue Kitty never regained use of her lower body, and Molly knew no one would adopt a paralyzed kitty who needed a diaper change six times a day. Still, Molly wasn’t ready to give up. She started taking Rescue Kitty back to City vet for acupuncture treatments with Dr. Jeanne Hill. And she spent lots and lots of quality time with Rescue Kitty. She held her, and cuddled her, and encouraged her. She manipulated her stiff legs several times a day, and held her hind end up with a sling to simulate walking. Molly’s business began to suffer and she felt like her life was on hold. And even though every day, Rescue Kitty showed small signs of improvement, Molly continued to wonder if she’d done the right thing.

Rescue Kitty quickly learned to get around using her front legs, dragging her back behind. Then the first week in July, just ten days after leaving the shelter, Molly noticed slight movements in Rescue Kitty’s back legs. By July 9th, she’d begun using her legs to push herself along the floor. But Molly had a dilemma. She would soon be leaving for Santa Fe, knowing she couldn’t leave Rescue Kitty with a sitter. Not wanting to jeopardize the progress they’d made, Molly flew Rescue Kitty to Santa Fe with her. Her hope was that the healing nature of Santa Fe, combined with a lot of one-on-one time together would be what Rescue Kitty needed. Everyone scoffed. The vets reminded Molly repeatedly that, considering the kind of injury Rescue Kitty had suffered, it was likely that the little movement she’d already regained would be all she would ever be able to do.

And yet Molly persevered, and each day Rescue Kitty got better and better. The dainty little feline was clearly a force to be reckoned with. Dr. Audrey Shannon, a Santa Fe vet who provides mobile acupuncture services, continued Rescue Kitty’s regimen. By July 13th, Rescue Kitty was able to stand to eat. By July 14th, she began to lift her pelvis off the floor ever so slightly as she slid around the floor. That day, she was able to use the litter box by herself for the first time since Molly brought her home. Fearless and determined, Rescue Kitty soon surprised Molly by teaching herself how to climb up on Molly’s bed for a nap. The next day she’d begun to raise her tail when she was happy, a sure sign she was regaining feeling in her back and legs.

And then she walked, and wobbled, and walked some more. By the end of the month, Molly and Rescue Kitty were back in Dallas. Rescue Kitty was beginning to trot, albeit very tentatively. This week the vet pronounced Rescue Kitty recovered enough to be spayed. Although Molly tried to keep her confined immediately after the surgery, and limit her food intake, this tenacious little cat had other ideas. She promptly climbed over the baby gate that was intended to corral her, ate not only her food, but all the other cats’ as well, and began begging for more. Rescue Kitty gets around on her own now, and has no problem using her littler box. She’s still a little wobbly, but that will diminish as time goes on.

As of now Rescue Kitty has found a forever home. She was adopted on August of 2011, and lives with three other cats and a loving family. They have given her the name Scarlett.


Joleen, a shepherd mix dog, was rescued off the streets of Dallas, TX. She was a year old and was at a residential house in a neighborhood that did not want her. When I tried to trap her, a man got in my face screaming at me with a glass beer bottle to go away. My guess is that Joleen had endured this abuse her whole life and had no idea where to go. Scared of humans, we had to trap her. From April 26, 2018 to January 18, 2020, various homeopathic medicines were given to her. She completely healed and her behavior improved with the homeopathic medicine. Today November 23, 2023 she is a happy, healthy, normal dog. Today is Thanksgiving and I am thankful for Joleen and the happiness she has brought me.


Joleen would defecate if she was removed from her room and brought to see someone. Out of her space, she would be terrified to the point that she would start pooping as she got near a person. Her eyes would be wild moving around, tail tucked under the body, and she wanted to run back to her safe space. The feces would just start dropping out from her as she would get near a human. For over a year she did not bark. Noise would make her nervous. She was afraid of people and even other dogs. She would be in a room with dogs playing and she would stay in a corner not interested in playing with them. People would visit her, pet her and talk nice to her but no reaction of interest to pleasure.


Over a year and half, various homeopathic medicines were given to Joleen. Two homeopathic medicines with which a change in behavior took place were Crotalus Cascavella and Argentum Nitricum. With the Crotalus Cascavella 200 C potency, Joleen came to me, curious, would eat in front of me and let dogs sniff her. The medicine Argentum Nitricum was the real turn around that woke up Joleen from all her symptoms. This medicine is specific for fear to the point of defecating. Joleen was given Argentum Nitricum three different times with waiting periods to see if the medicine would work. The first dose she was given of 200 C potency, didn’t show any real improvement. Second dose 1M potency, showed improvement. With the 1M dose, she began barking at other dogs, calmer and walking to me. The last dose was a 10M potency and this was the CURE! She woke up inside her brain and she was NORMAL. She started playing with other dogs for the first time ever; wanted to be petted and showed affection to me. No more fears, all completely gone. Joleen is a normal dog since January 18, 2020, and it is now November 23, 2023. 


Joleen’s transformation is by far one of the most amazing things I have witnessed. It happened right away once the correct medicine and potency were given. One dose of the 10M homeopathic medicine and she was NORMAL. Through her health journey she was only given homeopathic medicines.


Joleen the dog that woke up, is now living a happy full life.

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