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History of Homeopathy

Was Homoeopathy successful in treating the flu epidemic of 1918?

Yes. While the mortality rate of people treated with traditional medicine and drugs was 30 percent, those treated by homeopathic physicians had mortality rate of 1.05 percent.Of the fifteen hundred cases reported at the Homeopathic Medical Society of the District of Columbia there were only fifteen deaths. Recoveries in the National Homeopathic Hospital were 100%. In Ohio, of 1,000 cases of influenza, Dr. T. A. McCann, MD, Dayton, Ohio reported NO DEATHS.


What homeopathic remedies were used to successfully treat the Spanish flu in 1918?

Gelsemium and Bryonia. According the Dr. Frank Wieland, MD, in Chicago, “(With) 8,000 workers we had only one death. Gelsemium was practically the only remedy used. We used no aspirin and no vaccines.”


Homoeopathy was 98% successful in treating the Spanish flu epidemic in 1918?

Yes. Ohio reported that 24,000 cases of flu treated allopathically had a mortality rate of 28.2% while 26,000 cases of flu treated homeopathically had a mortality rate of 1.05% .

The best health conference to attend.
This year, it was held in Frisco, Texas and you can view
the Masterclass held on 9/12 by clicking the image below:

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A.G.E.S. Monthly Master Class

October 23 @ 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm PDT

by clicking the image below: 

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Additional Resources: 
Download the  free EMF Guide:
Purchase tested & approved grounding devices:
Watch the AGES 2024 EMFs & Earthling Virtual Solution Summit Replay:
Organic Super Greens:

This is a list of websites and products that I highly recommend you visit and get. The websites will let you sign up for the newsletters.


Book Recommendations:

Concordant Reference (2nd edition) - Frans Vermeulen

Repertory of the Homeopathic Materia Medica - J.T. Kent, MD

New World Veterinary Repertory - Richard H. Pitcairn & Wendy Jensen

Homeopathy Resource for Humans

Find a homeopathic practitioner for humans in the USA at

Homeopathic Doctors:

Dr. Daniel Cook MD    214-503-6362

American Institute of Homeopathy -

Homeopathic Veterinarians:

The Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy -

Homeopathy Suppliers and Pharmacies:

Merz Apothecary -

Washington Homeopathic Products -

Hahnemann Laboratories -

Helios Homeopathy -

011-44-1892537254 If calling from USA, call early morning due to time difference.

They carry distemper, parvo and tuberculosis nosodes. They also carry cannibus and opium (do not use these medicines unless specific to symptoms).

Homeopathic Remedies for Animals:

Homeopathic Medicine for Strengthening the Heart for Humans and Animals

Years back I did a project with Dr. Arthur Young DVM where we took 5 rescue dogs that had heartworms and treated their hearts. There is a homeopathic medicine known as Naja Tripudians/Indian cobra/Elapidae. Its primary purpose is to treat the weakness of the heart. I kept the 5 dogs boarded for 3 months and gave them all one dose Naja 200 C potency. All the dogs improved and went on to get adopted. I think it is worth a try to help with the vaccine-injured to give them a dose if Naja. In one dose there should be improvement. My sister’s dog had conjunctive heart disease; he lived an additional year using both allopathic and homeopathic medicines. She had consulted with some vets around the country but ended up working with me on her dog. I went to a naturopathic university and have 108 hours in the study of homeopathy.

I bought out a homeopathic pharmacy of their medicines in NM last year, when the owner retired. I would be willing to donate some Naja if doctors would like to try this on any of their patients. I don’t have much Naja from the buy-out but can order some from a pharmacy out of CA. The nice thing is you see results after only one dose of homeopathic medicine.

I produce film documentaries and would like to film anyone that benefits from Naja for heart issues. The films I have currently are about rescue dogs, I’ve won two big national awards for best documentaries. Check out Dog Rescue 911 and Stories of Hope on this site. I am currently working with a doctor in Dallas with a dog that has neurological issues. Sadly, Dr. Young mentioned above, passed away shortly after our project. His daughter contacted me to tell me the bad news he fell off a ladder at his home.


Thank you, 

Tawana Couch 

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